Amelia Cherbu

Amelia Cherbu (b. 2003) is a young multidisciplinary artist who is passionate about animation and digital illustrations. She is currently a third year student studying multimedia production at the University of Media, Arts and Communication (IFT) in Accra. As a young child, she discovered her love for art through the colourful illustrations she admired in the comic books and children's literature she read, shaping her into a skilled illustrator and storyboard artist in her teens. Amelia’s creative output is mainly driven by the skills and proficiency she has honed in drawing and illustration through constant practice. She enjoys working through digital studio techniques which involves drawing and colouring on a drawing tablet with a stylus. But she still relies on traditional tools and materials like paper, pencils, sketchbooks and inking pens in creating her visually engaging illustrations, storyboards, comic art, textile designs, and animation, which makes her a versatile artist, proficient in both digital and traditional mediums of art. She forms part of the new generation of Ghanaian digital artists hoping to reshape African visual narratives through design, digital illustrations and visual storytelling. Her digital illustrations explore themes of adventure, urban youth culture, dreamscapes, fantasy and human connections. Focused on exploring visual storytelling, Amelia is constantly working on using her digital illustration skills to address social issues which allows her to push beyond her creative boundaries. Her commitment to evolving creatively is evident as she experiments with new techniques, experimental approaches and innovative digital tools. Driven by curiosity and a deep passion for art, Amelia aims to contribute to African visual culture and social development through digital art projects.
Digital Illustration